Spiritual Significance
Maleny has spiritual significance.
From the moment my father- and mother-in-law, Neville and Jo Johnson came to this area on holiday they knew Maleny had spiritual significance. The Lord drew them back here a couple of times before planting the seed to move here permanently. Mark and I responded to the same call on our lives around 18 months later, making the move across Australia with our 2 children.
Fifteen years later we still have 5 years to become ‘locals’ according to those who were born and bred here. However, the Lord has naturalised us. Our purpose in God is tuned to the spiritual purpose He has destined for this region.
People are drawn to Maleny, not just because of the natural beauty of the creative hand of God but because there is a spiritual attraction, even if they don’t realise it. Whilst we acknowledge this is God and His Holy Spirit, there are others who seek to tap into this spiritual flow for their own purposes. God has allowed this for a season but the time is coming (soon) that the Holy Spirit is going to come in power for the Glory of God.
Hopefully having the school in Maleny this coming year, will enable those attending to know the Lord in a deeper way and take that back to their own family and region. We welcome you to join us in Maleny for the 2023 ‘Moving Further with the Lord’ School, February 7th, 8th and 9th.
Each week or so, I will be adding a ‘blog’ style topic on Maleny for those coming or thinking of coming to the school. These blogs will offer practical information and ways to enjoy the region in your free time, as well as give you insights into what makes this area tick! The ‘blog’ will be emailed out and be available on the Academy of Light website.