Last minute preps
I have been thoroughly briefed to share with you the important stuff so here it is:
- PLEASE (pretty please) make sure you have a paper copy of your confirmation of attendance (or a screen shot of it as a less favoured alternative). You will need this on the first day to register at the door and collect your school pack. Now don't panic if someone's dog ate it on the way to...school, as we have a work around, BUT, the queue of attendees will be registered much much quicker if you have this paperwork with you.
If you have not received an email with your ticket, please contact us immediately with your purchase order at:
Oh, and then there's the other more fluffy stuff:
- if you have a travel pillow feel free to bring it along for your comfort
- if you have any questions - ask them now! We are in 'full steam ahead' mode and will only be managing urgent emails and school linking emails from the 2nd of February until the 14th of February
- and lastly, contain your excitement until you get here - I love the buzz in the air when we are expectant
Also, we know not everyone can get to the school in person but don't worry, there is now the option of live streaming (Moving Further with the Lord only) which includes 'on demand' access so you can watch it later, any time day or night, and again and again.
Mark, Anthony and I will have a few 'hats' each and we have a wonderful team of family and volunteers to assist you as well. I will be around to say hello, troubleshoot and traffic control so feel free to say 'hello' back or more.
We are also inviting you to be our prayer partners over the next couple of weeks, specifically praying for safe and easy travel for our attendees and speakers, health for all, and the Lords hand in our preparations and running of the school.
Hi, I am curious as to your recommendation of a travel pillow. Do we need the pillow during the school lectures? Catch up on zzzzzz?
Thanks again for your wonderful informative light humorous writings :)
Yes we are very excited!
Love your writings! Full of wit and humour :)
So excited! expecting great things!
Thank you for putting on this school.