Another walk or three
What more walks?
Well, I know you may not all want to walk so if not, stop reading now and use your time to read the best history book ever written instead. But, for those who do like walking here are a couple more local walks from town to stretch your legs and see the countryside.
Grab your Maleny Trail and Wetlands map and a drink bottle.
The Northern Wetlands Walk (1.8 km return – from the entrance post)
This quiet walking track is hidden away and was a recent find for us, in fact, just for this blog! Though I suspect the North Maleny locals use it for morning and evening exercise.
You can enter the Northern Wetlands Walk via the main grass track entry off Parkland Drive, across from the Beersheba Museum and just up the hill from the pathway taking you to the Platypus viewing area. Or for the adventurous there is a footpath through the paddock just after the Peace in the trees Sculptures section of the main trail out of Maleny. The Northern Wetlands Walk tracks are relatively flat though the gravel maybe uneven, and the entry paths are mown grass.

The resulting wetlands and rainforest is beautiful, as are the countryside vista’s along the way. It is home to many plants and animals, including many birds.
It is a unique wetlands because it has been designed purposefully as a filtration system. High quality effluent (yep – effluent – I looked for a suitable synonym but none were quiet right) is irrigated into the plant system to be ‘naturalised’ before finding its way into the Obi Obi Creek.
I can assure you, we walked around the track on a hot day and there was no smell or hint of the origin of the water!
The Maleny Trail – the whole kit and caboodle
(5.5 km from the Maleny bridge, or 6.7 km from the showgrounds)
Previously I have described the short section of the Maleny Trail to get to the Platypus Viewing area. I have reiterated that information here to provide the guide for the whole walk. The views from the trail are photo worthy so make sure you take a snap or two along the way as well as a mental photo. There are plenty of benches to sit down on to rest, eat your lunch or just soak up the beauty of God’s creation.

Commence the trail by taking the pathway from the bridge to the boardwalk behind the Riverside Shopping Precinct and along the river. This lovely stretch of well-kept footpath has some tree coverage though there are sections without shade. As you walk along there is the ‘Peace in the trees Sculptures’, then the Beersheba Museum (unfortunately this is only open once a month) and just around the bend is the Platypus Viewing Area.
After you pause to spot a platypus (which I have been assured today are present) continue on the trail as it snakes its way along the side of the Obi Obi Creek past the Southern Wetlands and around the Maleny Golf Club course. A short trail branches off to the right to a picnic area.
Meanwhile back on the main trail, choose either the left boardwalk branch or right branch for steps around Reynolds Circuit. Then comes the Poetry Sculpture Trail (a section of the main trail).
The trail officially ends at the golf course top carpark (near the restroom block) and behind Pattemore House. To return to Maleny keep walking through the carpark and onto Parklands Drive and down the hill to the main trail, turn right to return to Maleny town centre (or left if you want to do the loop again).
Pattemore House (aka Fairview) is a historic family farmhouse open to the public by the Friends of Pattemore House but unfortunately it is only open on the last Saturday of the month (1-4pm).
However, the other historic location, The Maleny Pioneer Village (3 Bryce Lane) - is open for a ‘gold coin donation ($1 or $2) on Tuesdays and Saturdays 10am to 2pm if you are staying on till the weekend. This village has a historically accurate house and heritage collections, another building showcasing the local dairy ad timber industries, a shed displaying old tools and implements, a blacksmith ‘shop’, a cookhouse and open kitchen. https://Heritage.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
Gardners Falls (600m return)
This short and level walk is just out of town towards Landsborough, down Obi Lane South (this is not attached to Obi Lane). Once in the carpark, follow the concrete path alongside the Obi Obi Creek downstream to a couple of small waterfalls.
This is a very pretty walk with both water and rainforest views. A picnic area with tables and restrooms are just near the carpark.
Swimming is permitted however, swimming is not advisable after rain as the water moves faster than it appears and there are submerged rocks and debris. Whilst some choose to use the rope swings, it is considered dangerous and, unfortunately has resulted in loss of life so it’s probably best to enjoy a relaxing sit down, looking at nature, or swimming when appropriate.
Final say about walks
Timing is everything!
Early morning and late afternoon are the best times of day to spot wildlife AND to avoid the heat of the day. So enjoy if you get a chance.
1 comment
Thank you for sharing, your part of the world. Very considerate of you.
The pictures are fantastic, that tree is pretty cool.
I’m in Ont 🇨🇦,,,how Father puts it all together for our pleasure,,, blessings.
Miss Smith