The Quest - To walk with God Vol 1
One of the most important things we need to learn and experience is that of walking with God, learning to hear Him and understand how He communicates with us.
This series covers teaching on learning to walk with the Lord. Each segment covers only one aspect of truth, this gives one time to absorb the teaching. You can play one segment each day and go over it again if you feel to. Very rarely do we absorb all what is being taught on the first time round.
We have taken some of the highlights of a former series on walking in the spirit and condensed it down into a more easily digested format. I know this series will really bless you.
MessagesLaying the Right Foundation
The Spirit of Deafness
The Language of Heaven
The Language of Feeling & Mood
When God Knocks on your Door
The Voice of God
Visual Communication Part 1
Visual Communication Part 2
Recognizing Signs Part 1
Recognizing Signs Part 2
Becoming Still
12 files | MP3 Format | 270 minutes